Mass Portal at OTWorld 2022
From May 10th to 13th, Mass§§ Portal at OTWorld in Leipzig, Germany. OTWorld is the orthotic and prosthetic sector’s largest Trade Show. Firstly, it is the most important meeting place for all manufacturers, dealers and service providers in the field of modern medical aids and equipment. Mass Portal was represented by four people – CEO, Head of Research and Development, Head of Printing Service and Head of Sales. At the Trade Show we showed three of our printers: the insole printer, MP400 and MP1200. For instance, we demonstrated how to 3D print insoles, shoe lasts and corsets. By 3D printing these things, it is possible to save time, resources and receive more precise results which makes the user feel better.
Mass Portal launches a project with Norway Grants
Norway Grants and EEA Grants are Norway’s contribution to a green, competitive and inclusive Europe
Norway Grants are funded exclusively by Norway and are available in countries that joined the EU after 2003. Between 2014 and 2021, Norway Grants will support €1.25 billion. Priorities for this period:
- Innovation, research, education and competitiveness and decent work
- Social inclusion, youth employment and poverty reduction
- Environment, energy, climate change and low-emission economy
- Culture, civil society, good governance and fundamental rights
- Justice and Home Affairs
Project Description
Supported by a Grant from the people of Norway
Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe
Project title: “Development of a new product – a 3D printer with D2 dryers”
Projekta number: NAGS1-IES- 2021/2.
Total eligible costs: 185 700,00€
Grant funding: 129 990,00 €
Project results:
Technological development of the new product to Technology Readiness Level (TRL8) – the product prototype will reach TRL8 readiness level.
One disadvantaged worker trained and recruited to work in the Project (in accordance with European Commission Regulation No 651/2014). The minimum 15% requirement for the employment of disadvantaged workers will be maintained during the implementation of the Project and for at least 5 years after the implementation of the Project;
Annual environmental impact reduction achieved as a result of the project: estimated reduction in energy consumption 55.03 MWh/year;
Annual environmental impact reduction achieved as a result of the project: reduction of 15364 tonnes CO2/year.
Implementation time: 01.03.2022. – 29.02.2024.
Description of the work carried out on the project from March 1 to May 31 2022:
The following works have been carried out during the reporting period:
- Development of the overall technological concept of the 3D printer;
- Development of a print table feeding system for continuous operation;
- Study of the mechanical design and manufacturing technology of the machine and selection of the most appropriate solution;
- Development of a generic 3D model of the plant.
Description of the work carried out on the project from June 1 to August 31 2022:
During the reporting period, the following works have been carried out:
- Calculation of kinematic component loads and definition of specifications;
- Development of specifications for electronic components;
- Development of a detailed 3D model of the plant according to the manufacturing technology and selected components;
- Development of manufacturing drawings for metal components;
- Preparation of purchase requisitions for electronics, kinematics and metal components.
Description of the work carried out on the project from September 1 to Nevmeber 30 2022:
During the reporting period, the following works have been carried out:
- Organizing and preforming purchase requisitions (request for proposals) for electronics, kinematics and structural components;
- Evaluating the results of received proposals (version 1) — becuse of lack of qualifying porposals for electronics components and incomplete proposals for kinematics, decided to repeat the call for quotations;
- Organizing and preforming repeat purchase requisitions (request for proposals) for electronics, kinematics and structural components;
- Upon evaluation of the results, asssesing the current price levels for the required components and manufacturing services and talking to potential customers, decided to simplify and optimize manufacturing aspects, design anf construction of the 3D printing system to be more competitive in the marketplace and better match the targeted application niche.
Description of the work carried out on the project from December 1 2022 to February 28 2023:
During the reporting period, the following works have been carried out:
- Creating a smaller version of the 3D printer to better suit industrial packaging .segment customer requirements
- Research & design work to implement the neccessary technological changes for lower-cost manufacturing
- Creating 3D model and production drawings for repeat purchase requisitions
Raksts latviešu valodā:
Mass Portal ar Norvēģijas grantu atbalstu uzsāk projekta realizāciju
Norvēģijas granti un EEZ granti ir Norvēģijas ieguldījums zaļā, konkurētspējīgā un iekļaujošā Eiropā
Norvēģijas grantus finansē vienīgi Norvēģija, un tie ir pieejami valstīs, kas pievienojās ES pēc 2003. gada. Laikposmā no 2014. līdz 2021. gadam Norvēģijas grantu atbalsts sasniegs 1,25 miljardus eiro. Šā perioda prioritātes:
- Inovācijas, pētniecība, izglītība un konkurētspēja un pienācīgs darbs
- Sociālā iekļaušana, jauniešu nodarbinātība un nabadzības mazināšana
- Apkārtējā vide, enerģētika, klimata pārmaiņas un ekonomika ar zemu izmešu līmeni
- Kultūra, pilsoniskā sabiedrība, laba pārvaldība un pamattiesības
- Tieslietas un iekšlietas
Projekta apraksts
Projektu atbalsta Norvēģijas granti
Strādājam kopā zaļai, konkurētspējīgai un iekļaujošai Eiropai
Projekta nosaukums: “Jauna produkta – 3D printera ar D2 žāvētājiem – izstrāde”
Projekta numurs: NAGS1-IES- 2021/2.
Kopējās attiecināmās izmaksas: 185 700,00€
Grantu finansējums: 129 990,00 €
Projekta rezultāti:
Jaunā produkta tehnoloģiskā izstrāde līdz Tehnoloģiskās gatavības līmenim (TRL8) – produkta prototips sasniegs TRL8 gatavības līmeni.
Apmācīt un darbā iesaistīt nelabvēlīgākā situācijā esošo 1 (vienu) darba ņēmēju darbam Projektā (saskaņā ar Eiropas Komisijas regulu Nr. 651/2014). Projekta īstenošanas laikā un vismaz 5 gadus pēc Projekta īstenošanas tiks saglabāta vismaz 15% prasība attiecībā uz nelabvēlīgākā situācijā esošu darba ņēmēju nodarbinātību;
Projekta rezultātā sasniegtais vides ietekmes samazinājums gadā: paredzams enerģijas patēriņa samazinājums 55,03 MWh/gadā;
Projekta rezultātā sasniegtais vides ietekmes samazinājums gadā: emisiju samazinājums 15364 tonnas CO2/ gadā.
Ieviešanas laiks: 01.03.2022. – 29.02.2024.
Projekta paveikto darbu apraksts no 2022. gada 1. marta līdz 31. maijam:
Pārskata periodā veikti šādi darbi:
- 3D printera kopējās tehnoloģiskās koncepcijas izstrāde;
- Printēšanas galdu padošanas sistēmas izstrāde nepārtrauktas darbības nodrošināšanai;
- Iekārtas mehāniskas uzbūves un ražošanas tehnoloģiju izpēte un atbilstošākā risinājuma izvēle;
- Iekārtas vispārīgā 3D modeļa izstrāde.
Projekta paveikto darbu apraksts no 2022. gada 1. jūnija līdz 31. augustam:
Pārskata periodā veikti šādi darbi:
- Kinemātikas komponentu slodžu aprēķiniun specifikāciju definēšana;
- Elektronikas komponentu specifikāciju izstrāde;
- Detalizēta iekārtas 3D modeļa izstrāde atbilstoši ražošanas tehnoloģijai un izvēlētajiem komponentiem;
- Ražošanas rasējumu izstrādāšana metāla detaļām;
- Iepirkumu pieprasījumu sagatavošana elektronikas, kinemātikas un metāla detaļu pozīcijām.
Projekta paveikto darbu apraksts no 2022. gada 1. setpembra līdz 30. novembrim:
Pārskata periodā veikti šādi darbi:
- Cenu aptauju organizēsana un veikšana kinemātikas, elektronikas un strukturālajiem komponentiem;
- Cenu aptaujas rezultātu izvērtēšna (1. versija) — sakarā ar piedāvājumu trūkumu elektronikas komponentiem un nepilnīgu piedāvājumu kinemātikas komponentiem nolemts atkārtoti veikt cenu aptauju;
- Atkārtotas cenu aptauju organizēsana un veikšana kinemātikas, elektronikas un strukturālajiem komponentiem;
- Izvērtējot cenu aptaujas rezultātus — piedāvātās komponentu un veicamo darbu izmakas, nolemts vienkāršot un optimizēt 3D printera uzbūves un ražošanas paņēmienu aspektus, lai nodrošinātu labāku iekārtas konkurētspēju tirgū;
Projekta paveikto darbu apraksts no 2022. gada 1. decembim līdz 28. februārim:
Pārskata periodā veikti šādi darbi:
- 3D printera mazākasversijas izstrāde lai precīzāk atbilstu industriālā iepakojuma segmenta klientiem
- Izpētes, dizaina un projetēšanas darbi lai ieviestu nepieciešamās konstruktīvās izmaiņasun vienkāršotu ražošanas procesu produkta pašizmaksas samazināšanas nolūkā
- 3D modeļa un ražošanas rasējumu izstrāde
Mass Portal Announces New Leadership and Reorganization
3D printer manufacturer Mass Portal today announces new leadership and reorganization of the software team into an independent company FabControl.
Mr. Imants Treidis is named the new CEO of Mass Portal. Mr. Treidis is taking over the role from company co-founder Mr. Janis Grinhofs who has served in this position since early 2014, overseeing the development of its flagship Pharaoh 3D printers, the FD series filament dryers and the automated 3D printfarm solution, Dynasty AMS.
Under Mr. Treidis leadership Mass Portal will continue to innovate and provide high quality machines to our clients. The new CEO of Mass Portal promises that “We will continue to serve our existing customers and industrial partners, in the same time striving for excellence in supplying the industry with highest quality machines and tailor built solutions for additive manufacturing needs”.
Mr. Janis Grinhofs is now the Founder and CEO of FabControl SIA, a new and independent company. Mr. Grinhofs will focus on his vision to build a next-generation software platform for managing Digital Manufacturing Workflows. The core motivation behind this reorganization is the customer’s need to make workflow software work with more hardware besides exclusively Mass Portal machines. “We are looking forward to an open, Industry 4.0 world, where automated, approachable and smart workflows integrate hardware, materials and software from multiple vendors.”
FabControl SIA is an independent company founded by the ex-CEO and ex-software team of Mass Portal. FabControl is building an open, next-generation software platform for managing Additive Manufacturing machines and workflows.
Mass Portal receives Latvian Design Award
Mass Portal is truly honored and delighted to receive second place in Latvian Design Award 2018 with its Filament Dryer FD1 and Product Range 2018. Mass Portal couldn’t have achieved it alone and would like to kindly thank to all the jury members and organizers, to partners and friends, who believed in our products and helped to bring them to life.
Mass Portal launches world's first professional filament dryer
This year at Formnext powered by TCT 2017 in Frankfurt am Main 3D printer manufacturer Mass Portal Ltd. launches its new product line: professional grade filament dryers for the open-materials 3D printing industry.
- more stable printing and increased print success rate: feeding filament under controlled conditions eliminates ambient temperature and relative humidity variations, thus, improving process stability and repeatability;
- better mechanical properties of printed parts: the use of properly dried and conditioned filaments unlocks the full potential of the 3D printing materials;
- improved part surface quality and overall cosmetic look: properly dried filaments exhibit less stringing and are more transparent due to the absence of bubbles.
Main features of Mass Portal Filament Dryers are:
- rotary desiccant disk dehumidification system;
- simple and intuitive interface;
- preset drying settings for most common filaments;
- replaceable HEPA/active carbon filters, and
- built-in overheating and overcurrent protections.
Mass Portal Filament Dryers are compatible with:
- most open-material 3D printers;
- most open-materials spool sizes (max. diameter 200 mm, max. width 80 mm)
- 1.75 mm, 2.85 mm, and 3.00 mm filament diameters.
“Print Workshop” in National Library of Latvia
From 26 October, the “Print Workshop” (“Melnās mākslas darbnīca“), exhibiting a variety of printing techniques, will be held in exhibition hall of the National Library of Latvia (NLL). For the first time in Latvia it will be possible to see and try out different printing presses – starting from a 19th century 2D Boston printing press up until 3D printing of objects on Mass Portal Pharaoh printers.
Introducing world’s first professional filament dryer
- reduced moisture-related processing issues, improved process stability and increased print success rate,
- improved part surface quality and overall cosmetic look,
- improved mechanical properties of printed parts,
- enables use of moisture-sensitive materials that are otherwise unprintable or deliver unacceptable results.